
Here are some concepts and functions we will refer to in this knowledgebase and during use of Cycles:

Core project artifacts — Logframe, Budget, Workplan.

Cycles — Project Management Information System.

Organizations — entities and funding streams that NRC interacts with.

PCM — Project Cycle Management.

>Grants< — refers to any >grants< type (taken from PCM SOPs) in the Cycles tool: an opportunity, a proposal, a contract, a project (NRC project), or a field project.

>Grants< types help us recognize what phase of the PCM process a record is in. The >grants< types and their associated PCM phase are: opportunity (Identification Phase), a proposal (Formulation Phase, before award), a contract (Formulation Phase, after award), a project (Implementation Phase), or field project (Implementation Phase).

  • Opportunity — a >grants< type that allow NRC to capture information related to the Identification Phase. Opportunities are created by the user when an office decides to evaluate a solicitation from a donor.
  • Proposal — a >grants<type that allow NRC to capture information related to the Formulation Phase. The >grants<type is changed to "Proposal" automatically when "Go/No-Go Results Summary" section in an opportunity is complete and "Go/No-Go Status" is set to "Go."
  • Contract — a >grants< type that allow NRC to capture information related to the Implementation Phase. The>grants< type is changed to "Contract" automatically when the "After Submission Information" section in a proposal is complete and the "Proposal Submission Outcome" is set to "Accepted." The >grants< name will become the NRC Project Code with "C" at the end.
  • Project — a >grants< type that allow NRC to capture information related to the Implementation Phase. It is created from a contract. This can be done by going to the "Projects" tab (to the right of "Details") within a contract and clicking "New," selecting "Project", and then "Next."
  • Field Project — a >grants< type that allow NRC to capture information related to the Implementation Phase.

And this is the breakdown of Cycles structural elements:

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