Pre-signing checklist

Pre-signing checklist has been developed and adopted as a mandatory tool in the NRC PCM toolkit to ensure more consistency on how grant and contractual conditions are considered, negotiated, documented and complied with across the organisation. It is an essential part of the Formulation Phase.

The checklist itself can be found on here.


The purpose of this checklist is to guide reviews and signing of new grant agreements and contracts in line with NRC’s policies, standards and procedures.


This mandatory checklist and accompanying instructions have been developed to aid the review of new funding agreements to NRC. It must be applied in the internal review of grant agreements from institutional and private donors, sub-grant agreements from INGOs and when considering service contracts.

In Cycles, the pre-signing checklist should be put into "Files" subtab of a proposal.

Please complete, sign and file this checklist prior to signing any new funding agreement on behalf of NRC, noting the instructions in relation to each requirement. You can refer to NRC’s Power of Authorisation – who signs what and when prior to signing any new agreements or contract on behalf of NRC.

For any general questions about this checklist, please contact the Institutional Partnership Adviser in the P&P Department who is working with the donor of interest. Note that complementary checklists are available for donors with more complex requirements such as ECHO and DEVCO.

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