User roles

Cycles is focused primarily on PCM and people involved in this process. But it is also an important touchpoint for all people who collaborate with PCM contributors.

So, what kind of Cycles user are you? Based on your answer, you will find links (below the image) to Cycles features that are most relevant to and support your work at the NRC.

Grant Creators are Cycles power users and will likely interact with the platform on a daily basis. Grants Creators will actively use all features of Cycles to easily input information about grant development and execution. However, select features that will support your work better include:

Decision Makers will likely need access to only portfolio-level analysis (e.g. projects across a CO or AO) without regularly deep-diving into a project. For this, Reports, Dashboards, Calendar, and will ensure quick access to information that is usually infrequent and time-consuming to put together.

Technical and Grant Advisors will often give project-specific guidance so they will want to know the detailed status of an individual project moving through PCM; Opportunities, Proposals, Contracts, Projects, and Field Projects sections will all be very relevant as well as their respective Deadlines and Milestones (where an Advisor will likely contribute). However, they will also want access to "portfolio-level" analysis: whether it be the status of projects related to a particular CC or donor. For this, Reports, Dashboards, and Calendar will ensure quick access to information that is usually infrequent and time-consuming to put together.

Data Checkers will give advice on a very specific section in a project or during the grant workflow. Because they will be called-in for their input, the Calendar will ensure quick access to information about when they'll be needed and for what purpose.

Project Builders want detailed data about the projects they are managing; Opportunities, Proposals, Contracts, Projects, and Field Projects sections will all be very relevant as well as their respective Deadlines and Milestones (where an Advisor will likely contribute). They will have up-to-date financial data during every stage of their project and a snapshot into their project indicators via GORS Dashboard. In the future, there will be logframe features that enable near daily-use of Cycles for Project Builders.

Although those user roles often happen to be cross-competency, below you can also find a diagram of personas based on direct job descriptions.

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