Go/No-Go Checklist and Meeting

The next step of the Identification phase is the Go/No-Go meeting. Cycles leads you through an interactive checklist based on PCM framework that can be completed during or after this meeting.

VERY IMPORTANT: If the Go/No-Go Status is set to “Go,” the opportunity will automatically convert to a proposal when the user clicks "Save".

Useful links

Filling in the Go/ No-Go survey
Editing the survey
Survey results summary

Minutes of the Go/No-Go meeting should be added into the "Files" section.

Filling in the survey

Please complete the entire survey, even if further action is needed on a particular step. At the end of the survey, you will receive a summary of your action items. Here you can find more supportive PCM framework documents.

Answer the survey questions and click “Next” to move forward or “Previous” to return to the previous question. At the end of the survey, please enter your first name, last name, and NRC email address.

The survey is complete when you reach the acknowledgments and click the “Finish” button.

The Go/No-Go Checklist Summary is located under basic details of the opportunity. The results are marked with a green check icon, and actions — with a red X icon. Non-mandatory questions are marked with a question mark icon.

Editing the survey

The changes in responses are possible after completing actions. To make changes, click on “Edit Go/No-Go Checklist Responses” button at the top right of the workspace below the navigation bar.

Make changes and save.

Results summary

This activity is made after all opportunity details have been added, and the survey filled in.

Select the desirable opportunity in >Grants< tab. Scroll down the details to Go/No-Go Summary and fill in with the relevant decision data. The decision reason is filled regardless of the decision outcome.

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