Using this Knowledge base

This knowledgebase can be used at any stage of a project cycle — whether you’re defining program strategy based on historical experience, or evaluating a project status or outcome, or needing to update core information about project milestones.

This knowledgebase is divided into five main pages that reflect the PCM phases: programming, identification, formulation, implementation, and evaluation.

To find more specific information, click the dropdown icons to open the subpages.

Supporting pages describe workflows across the system, features that might be used throughout the PCM process, concepts and vocabulary new to NRC, and references to core data and >grants< types.

And this knowledgebase is also dynamic. This means that we are consistently enhancing the features, improving your experience, and adding information – which leads to changes. Once a feature or format is changed in Cycles, we update the knowledgebase, and highlight changes on top of the page.

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