
As mentioned, an opportunity in Cycles represents a potential funding source for NRC that have not yet received a “Go” decision following the Go/No-Go Checklist. When the opportunity's status is set to "Go" and saved, the opportunity automatically converts to a proposal.

Below are the steps for how to create and view opportunity records within PMIS.

Useful links

Create an opportunity: from a >Grants< tab, and from organization's page.
View an opportunity: find an created opportunity.

Create an opportunity

There are two ways to create an opportunity — (i) from the >Grants< tab and (ii) directly from the donor organization's page.

(i) To create a new opportunity from the >Grants< tab, click on the "New" button on the top right of your workspace (just below the navigation bar) and select "opportunity" >grants< type.

(ii) To create a new opportunity from a donor organization’s page, go to the Organizations tab, select the desired organization, click on the "New Project Opportunity" button on the top right of your workspace, and fill in the basic details.

a) Basic details.

In the "New Project Opportunity" window, the only field required to initially create an "Opportunity" is "Name." All information added in this window can be edited later, including:

(image with blank inputs and warning to leave Go/No-Go section blank)

— Opportunity name.
— Donor name (select from a list).

NOTE: If the opportunity comes from a new donor, the donor must first be recorded.

(image with dropdown selection) + link to section to create new donor record

— Financial details (estimated amount and donor currency).
— Dates (expected start and end dates).
— Likelihood.
— Phase of crisis.

— Description.

Please fill in or leave the Go/No-Go Results Summary if irrelevant, and save the Opportunity.

b) Location tag.

Location Tags allow users to add or “tag” an opportunity, proposal, contract, or project with implementation locations (city, state, or region, etc.) and administrative locations (NRC offices).
The Locations tag is situated in the column on the right of >grants< details.

To add a tag, click the downward arrow in the Locations heading and click "New" from the dropdown.

Next, choose the location from a dropdown list and save.

c) Core competency tag.

Core Competency (CC) Tags allow users to add or “tag” an opportunity, proposal, contract, project, or field project with a CC or a thematic area. A set of complete CCs and sub-CCs can be found the CC Catalog.

CCs are organised by the abbreviated letter of the main CC (i.e. all “ICLA” Core Competencies start with “L –”). Try searching with the CC abbreviation and a letter to see all thematic areas for the main CC. Abbreviations are as follows:


E – Education

C – Camp Management

S – Shelter


F – Livelihoods & Food Security

Y – Other

A – Other (Advocacy/Coordination/Capacity Building)

The CC tag is situated in the column on the right of >grants< details, under Locations. To add a tag, click the downward arrow in the Core Competencies heading and click New from the dropdown.

Next, choose the CC from the dropdown list and save.

After the opportunity is created, a deadline is set for the Go/No-Go Checklist Meeting and the Proposal Submission Deadline.

View an opportunity

To view an opportunity, you need to go to Projects tab and select opportunities in the dropdown when you click "Recently viewed" on the top left.

Next, select the desired opportunity by clicking a checkbox next to its name.

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