Deadlines & Milestones
Deadlines & Milestones allow users to track due dates, important meetings, action points, and other important dates that are related to >grants<.
Automatically created deadlines/milestones
To ensure that certain steps of a grants lifecycle are scheduled and completed, some deadlines and milestones are created automatically within Cycles based on the phase that the grant is in.
When a new project or field project is created, a deadline for Grants Opening Meeting and a deadline for Project Closure Meeting are created. The Grants Opening Meeting is set with a default date of 30 days after the project Start Date, and the Project Closure Meeting is set with a default date of 1 month before the project End Date. You will need to populate the “Start Date” and “End Date” fields on these deadlines for the date that the meetings are scheduled in order to have them on the NRC Salesforce Calendar.