Based on a decision to fundraise or pursue an available funding opportunity, the record is designed and a proposal is drafted, including log frame, budget and work plan. To do this, the following steps in Formulation Phase take place:
* Writing of the proposal and development of budget
* Development of overall work plan with milestones
* Development of M&E matrix (if relevant)
* Review and approval of proposal and budget.
During this PCM phase, Cycles organizes and stores information during "proposal" stage that is ultimately moved into a "contract" stage when the proposal is approved. PMIS organizes data to for each of the events and deliverables above and helps to collaborate with other stakeholders by importing Agresso data.
Formulation Phase Subpages:
- Proposals: create, edit, view.
- Pre-signing checklist: interactive checklist helpful in review of new grant agreements.
- Contracts: view and edit.
- Automatic and manual creation of deadlines and milestones.
- Partnerships: create, edit, view partnership records.