Project roles

The project role indicates who is working on the project, allowing a user to add contacts (including NRC staff and others) and their relationship to the project.

Useful links

Create a new project role
View a project role

Create new project roles

Go to the ">Grants<" tab, select a project record, and click the "Project Roles" subtab at the top of the record. Click “New”.

Next, select the contact person name and fill in the information about the project role. Click “Save”.

Tip: To select multiple PCM Phases, select “CTRL” on your keyboard while selecting multiple values.

View existing project roles

Go to the ">Grants<" tab, select a project record, and click the "Project Roles" subtab at the top of the record. This view will allow you to see the contact person, their role, and which PCM phase(s) this occured in.

To see more information about the project role, such as start and end dates, click the project role ID.

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