Deadlines & Milestones

Deadlines & Milestones allow users to track donor and internal NRC report due dates, important meetings, action points, and other important dates that are related to >grants<.

Useful links

Automatically created deadlines/milestones
Create new deadlines/milestones
View a deadline/milestone

Automatically created deadlines/milestones

To ensure that certain steps of a grants lifecycle are scheduled and completed, some deadlines and milestones are created automatically within Cycles based on the phase that the grant is in. See more about automatically created deadlines and milestones in dedicated subpages of each phase.

Create a new deadline/milestone

Select a >grants< type and choose "Deadlines & Milestones" subtab. Then click the "New" button.

Fill out the following fields. Click "Save" or “Save & New” to quickly create another deadline record.

If you have several deadlines that are similar in nature (such as four quarterly reports due each year), you can clone an existing deadline. To do this, select an existing deadline from the list of deadlines on the "Deadlines & Milestones" subtab.

Next, click “Clone” at the top right of the page. Modify the information as needed, then click “Save”.

View a deadline/milestone

Deadlines can be reached via project subtab or via navigation bar tab.

Select a deadline name to view an existing deadline/milestone.

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